Inclusive Tourism Route
through the Ribeira Sacra

Our inclusive route is designed for people with reduced mobility.

We are currently preparing an experience for individuals with reduced mobility, including those in wheelchairs, with crutches, injuries, temporary disabilities, expectant mothers, families with strollers, or elderly individuals.

Our goal is to ensure that all members of the group can actively participate in our experience.


All transfers will be made in a 7-seat vehicle + 1 PMR (person with reduced mobility in a wheelchair) / a 9-seat vehicle with a side step and handle.


At Arribeirados, we are preparing an experience that everyone can enjoy, both those with reduced mobility and their companions.

Leisure, holidays, and travel are fundamental rights. We all need a break from our routines. Being able to participate in experiences and activities that align with our interests and preferences brings us satisfaction.

Exploring new places or enjoying the unknown is mentally refreshing. Traveling provides an extra layer of existential quality, well-being, and happiness.

Until recently, accessible tourism and disability did not always go hand in hand. However, more and more people with restricted abilities want the opportunity to explore new places and experiences.

Families also want to enjoy experiences where everyone can participate, including older adults and young children.

Arribeirados offers this route for
people with disabilities because:

Accessible Tourism or Tourism for All

Accessible tourism aims not only to remove barriers that prevent some from enjoying an experience but also intends that everyone, with or without disabilities, can equally enjoy the experience.

Inclusive Tourism

Es aquel turismo que permite la igualdad de oportunidades para todas las personas. Este turismo inclusivo permite que todos puedan disfrutar de las actividades que forman parte de la actividad turística de forma segura, cómoda autónoma y normalizada.

Who among us has not been in a situation like this? We want to take a trip, and there is a pregnant woman in the group, or we have a child in a stroller, or our grandparents are accompanying us.

The Ribeira Sacra, due to its topography and the antiquity of its monuments, does not make it easy:

We believe that throughout the Ribeira Sacra, we will not find any buildings or activities that fit within the concept of “universal design,” and if few buildings are accessible, even fewer activities are accessible to everyone in the Ribeira Sacra. Now, imagine the hiking trails or access to some of the viewpoints of the Sil River canyons.

But we are Arribeirados, accustomed to doing “heroic” work with the ultimate goal of bringing out the best of our land. We are committed to offering you a route adapted to your needs so that you can derive great satisfaction and a higher quality experience.

At Arribeirados, we will continue working to make the Ribeira Sacra more inclusive, preparing different routes that cater to your needs and training ourselves to serve you as you deserve.

Remember that nothing and no one should prevent you from enjoying the great passion that is travelling and discovering paradise.

Are you ready to explore the Ribeira Sacra?

¿Te gustaría tener más información sobre esta ruta?

Queremos conocerte un poco más.
¿Con quién viajas?

En Familia

Turismo Movilidad Reducida

Con amigos o en pareja


Aún no lo sé Tengo fechas fijas

¿Qué es lo que te más te apetece hacer?
(puedes seleccionar varios)






Camino Santiago
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